Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Winner's Circle!

Hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day weekend! It sure was nice to lay back and take it easy. Now it's back to the daily grind! And what better time for winner announcements?!

The winner of the Protect-A-Bed mattress protector giveaway is...

Sue E said... 64

Daily Tweet


The winner of the Pillow Pet giveaway is...

2kidsand8cats said... 125

follow google friend
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com

The winner of the Cystex Liquid giveaway is...

aledol said... 13


The winner of the Pop Pals giveaway is...

Sarah said... 36

I subscribe via e-mail.

And last but not least, the winner of the Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies is...

susan said... 19

I learned that the site has a lot of great recipes! suelee1998 @ gmail.com

Congratulations, winners! I will be contacting you at some point today and you will have 48 hours to reply to my email before another winner is chosen.

Thank you to everyone who entered and to the fabulous giveaway sponsors for making all the fun possible!

Don't forget to check out the rest of my current giveaways, including a $25 gift certificate to Diamond Favors - ending tonight! Also, lots and lots of great children's music ending this week so don't miss out!


Susan said... 1

wow thanks so much, I won! I have always wanted my daughter to try the fiber gummies!

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