Monday, May 10, 2010

Review: Melvin the Magnificent Molar

As Nate's second birthday fast approaches, we are I am anticipating his first visit to the dentist. However, oral care has been a part of our routine since his first tiny tooth erupted at 6 months old. Thankfully, my son is a good brusher and thinks the toothbrush is a ticklish game. But many toddlers are less than fond of this daily ritual.

Well, thanks to a little guy named Melvin, dental care is about to become a lot less scary and a lot more fun.

Melvin the Magnificent Molar is the creation of author Julia Cook and Dr. Laura Jana. Speaking from a tooth's perspective, he encourages children ages 2 and up to brush, floss and make regular visits to the dentist. Melvin promotes proper oral hygiene in a fun-loving, unique way and shows readers young and old how to make sure they will have happy teeth and healthy smiles.

As soon as I saw the soft cover with Allison Valentine's bubbly illustrations, I knew my son and I were going to love it. Through cute, clever rhymes, Melvin describes the purpose of teeth (bite food, not people!), the importance of primary teeth (hold a place for the permanent tooth) and pleads you to rid him of the "sleeping scummies", as poor Melvin is often neglected all the way in the back of your mouth. He encounters a visit to the almighty Dentist, where he is given a photo op (x-ray) and a nice bath and finally lands with the Tooth Fairy, where his "tooth-dreams" ultimately come true.

I love that this book reinforces positive habits and transforms something that typically causes stress and anxiety into something kids can look forward to. Dental instruments can be quite intimidating - even for adults - but Melvin shows there is nothing to be scared of. After all, he "loves a good scratch"! Once your child gets to know this cuddly character, they will want to do whatever they can to keep him around.

I also loved that the book concluded with Melvin's top 10 tips, which parents and children alike can learn from. Some of them include using only a pinky nail-sized dab of toothpaste and limiting sugary foods and drinks to mealtimes.

We follow Melvin along on his journey just about every night before bedtime and I often allow Nate to brush and handle his toothbrush as we read so he can connect the dots. Here he is after bathtime with Daddy, brushing his Melvin:

Gotta keep those pearly whites gleaming!

Bottom line: Melvin the Magnificent Molar is the perfect tour guide if you want to establish healthy teeth habits from the start. With this lovable little guy around, cavities won't be an option!

BUY IT: You can purchase Melvin the Magnificent Molar directly from the author's website. (ARV $9.95). In the meantime, check out this brief preview of the book!

Disclaimer: This review was made possible by the TwitterMoms network. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my candid review. I was not compensated in any other way for this post.


Terra Heck said...

This looks like a fun book for kids.
I have given you a Sunshine Award. You can pick it up and read about it here.

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