After recently recovering from upper respiratory infections (the hubby and I) and a double ear and throat infection (the spawnling), I am now on high alert when it comes to germs. I am determined to do all that is in my power to prevent any other major illnesses this winter, but there is only so much I can control beyond the incessant hand washing and endless supplies of hand sanitizer. So, when I was contacted to review a new method of germ protection, there was no way I could pass it up.
MyClyns is a new alcohol-free spray to be used directly on your face when exposed to dangerous pathogens. In an elevator when someone sneezes? Is your child around other youngsters who cough and don't cover their mouth? No longer a problem! Just take out your MyClyns and spray 2-3 mists in your or your child's face and you'll be protected! This non-toxic, non-burning spray is safe for all ages (even those with contact lenses!) and contains a fast-acting solution that has been shown to reduce more than 60 potentially harmful germs, including MRSA, staph and E-coli. MyClyns can also be sprayed into cuts and abrasions to prevent infection.
Whereas most sanitizers are good for prevention, only MyClyns is effective after an incident occurs. MyClyns is the only germ defense designed for use in the eyes, nose and mouth - the most common entryways for germs. It comes in a compact spray pump that is shaped like a pen, so it is convenient to keep in a purse, pocket or diaper bag. It also meets airline restrictions so you can store it in your carry-on for your close-knit travels in the open skies. Each vial contains approximately 60 mists and can easily be disposed of when empty.

For years, MyClyns has been a trusted name among hospitals, EMS, police, firemen and other first responders who encounter germs frequently. But thankfully, they are sharing their secret with us consumers. In addition to the new marketing strategy, MyClyns has developed a new website, www.MyGermSpray.com, where you can gather tips on how to stay healthy during cold/flu season. One of my favorite sections is "Germ University", which outlines different types of germs and bacteria, where they live and how to stop them. Once you read through the information and "graduate", you'll be ready to use this knowledge as germ-fighting power!
Want to see MyClyns in action? Just check out the hilarious (yet relatable!) video below:
I was sent a vial of MyClyns to review. I have only had it for a couple of days but as we stood in line to take our picture with Santa today, I found myself wincing at the thought of all the germs floating around. After all, the last thing we need is to pick up another bug just in time for the Christmas holiday. A few spritzes into our faces really put my mind at ease. The spray had no fragrance and was not uncomfortable at all. It honestly felt like water and it dried quickly with no tightness or dryness afterward. I love the slender shape, which is easy to grasp and tucks away neatly in my purse until I am ready to call it to action. All in all, it's peace of mind in a pump.
Bottom line: I would recommend MyClyns as the perfect accompaniment to hand sanitizer to obliterate germs from all angles. It is convenient and comfortable and I love that I can safely use it on myself and my son. It would also make a great last-minute stocking stuffer for that teacher, nurse, childcare provider or cashier in your life!
BUY IT: MyClyns is sold at CVS and other chain stores nationwide. (ARV $7.99-9.99)
WIN IT: One lucky reader is going to win MyClyns just in time to combat flu season!
MAIN COURSE (MANDATORY ENTRY): Tell me what products you currently use in your germ-fighting routine. Remember to please leave your email address in your comment if it isn't visible on your profile or if you are not a blogger!
SUGAR ON TOP (BONUS ENTRIES): To maximize your chances of winning, you may do any or all of the following. Be sure to complete the above mandatory entry or your bonus entries will not count!
1.) Follow my blog or subscribe via reader or email. Comment telling me which method you chose. If you already follow or subscribe, that counts! (1 entry)
2.) Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this contest. Just leave me a comment with your tweet link. (1 entry)
3.) Become a fan of MyClyns on Facebook and leave me a comment with your profile name. (1 entry)
4.) Add my blog button and/or my holiday button to your site and leave a comment with the link to where I can find it. (1 entry for each)
5.) Enter any of my other current giveaways and leave a comment telling me which one(s) you entered. (1 entry each)
Giveaway will end on January 5, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. Open to U.S. only. Winners will be chosen via Random.org and will have 48 hours to respond to congratulatory email or prize will be forfeited and another winner will be chosen.
Disclaimer: As noted above, I received a vial of MyClyns from Laura at Robin Leedy Associates to facilitate my candid review. I was not compensated in any other way for this post. The opinions expressed in this review and purely my own. Your experience with this product may differ.
Mostly I use hand santizer in my routine against germs, as well as frequent hand-washing.
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I mostly use vinegar to kill germs. We wash our hands often (though not with toxic antibacterial soap that contains triclosan!). I rinse our toothbrushes daily with hydrogen peroxide to kill germs. Thanks for this giveaway!
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the Pedialyte Powder Packs giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I entered the Dove Self-Esteem Fund Prize Pack giveaway.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
soap and hand sanitizer.
I carry hand sanitizer everywhere
We are using hand sand.
I currently use Lysol to spray frequently touched items like door knobs, handles, remote controls and phones.
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Following on twitter: momunion
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McClyns Facebook fan: heather french (The Mom Union)
holiday Button's on sidebar: http://iblameitonthecat.blogspot.com/
Soap and water or hand sanitizer for washing. Lysol Spray in the bathroom or in high traffic areas. Lots of wiping down countertops and door knobs.
susan56bft at gmail dot com
Goodie Goodie Gumdrops email subscriber
susan56bft at gmail dot com
We use antibacterial soap when washing and tons of traditional hand sanitizer when we can't wash.
weird chick online at gmail dot com
vicks vapor rub and tylenol cold and flu :)
mclyn fan on facebook kathylpease
Right now, all I really use is normal Antibacterial hand gel.
Just regular soap and tissues.
I use hand sanitizer and Lysol.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
I currently use hand sanitizer in my germ-fighting routine.
I became a fan of MyClyns on Facebook.
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