Tax time is usually not what I would consider fun. The mountains of the paperwork. The math. The waiting. The stress. But the parents of one lucky, "last-minute" December 2009 baby are going to celebrate the arrival of tax season with $5,000! Being a December baby myself (12/12 to be exact), I just had to share this fun, cute contest with my readers.
TurboTax®, the nation's No. 1 rated, best-selling tax preparation software from Intuit Inc., is conducting its third annual nationwide search for America's Cutest Last-Minute Tax Deduction. The grand prize, as I mentioned above, is a whopping $5,000! To enter, parents or legal guardians should submit a photo of their baby born between Dec. 1-31, 2009 to www.CutestTaxDeduction.com. The deadline for submissions is January 7, 2010. Judges will select 10 finalists, and America will determine America's Cutest Last-Minute Tax Deduction and the grand prize winner!
Further details, rules and eligibility are available at www.CutestTaxDeduction.com. For the latest updates, you can follow @TurboTax on Twitter (use hashtag #TTbaby) or visit TaxBreak, the new TurboTax blog.
Pass it on and good luck!
Disclaimer: I was notified of this contest due to my membership at MomSelect. In exchange for posting about this topic, I will be entered to win a $250 AMEX gift card, as well as a "Tax Deduction" onesie.
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