Most of us take our children to the pediatrician regularly for their well baby visits. We fill out forms about developmental milestones. The doctor asks you some questions, shines a light in your child's eyes and ears, gives them a good once over and you're out the door. But how many of us go beyond this standard? How many of us have even considered having our baby or toddler's vision screened? I'll admit that the thought had not even crossed my mind until I received a press release with some interesting, albeit alarming facts. Did you know:
- An estimated 200,000 children are born each year with visual deficits.
- According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), vision disorders are the fourth most common disability among children in the United States.
- Only 21 percent of children in the U.S. have their vision screened before kindergarten.
- 72 percent of children with vision deficits go undetected until after the window for effective treatment expires.
- More than one in 50 children have amblyopia, otherwise known as "lazy eye", a serious vision disorder that can lead to blindness in one eye.
- Amblyopia is poor vision in an eye that otherwise appears normal. It occurs when the brain does not recognize the sight from that eye. It is very difficult to detect.
- 3.8 million adults are legally blind in one eye or visually incapacitated due to amblyopia.
Were you aware that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now recommends routine eye exams beginning at 6 months of age? I had no idea that this was needed at such a young age and I know I'm not the only clueless mom! This assessment would be a great precursor to a pediatric screening, during which you can share your results.
It is important to remember that this quiz DOES NOT take the place of a professional exam, but it a helpful tool for parents to get a heads up on any problems that may exist.
To take the online quiz, please visit www.freevisionquiz.com. For more information about the Enfant VEP Vision Testing System or to find a pediatrician offering the test near you, visit www.enfantvision.com.
Disclaimer: This post was adapted from a press release sent to me from Robin Leedy & Associates. I was in no way compensated for this post.
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