Monday, October 26, 2009

Bookworm Week Giveaway #1: Peeing in Peace CLOSED

So, earlier today, I brought you a review of See Mom Run by our very own Role Mommy, Beth Feldman. Well, did you know that she and Yvette Manessis Corporon, the founders of wrote their first book back in 2007?

Peeing in Peace: Tales & Tips for Type A Moms is an uproarious how-to guide for the overwhelmed mom. Whether you work outside of the home, work at home, or are a stay-at-home parent, you know how difficult it can be to juggle your responsibilities and the many hats you have to wear on a daily basis. It's easy to feel like you're about to drop the ball and lose it at any moment. You may not always be able to vent to friends who understand, which is what makes this book a necessity for your bedside table.
Are you a multi-tasking mom pulled in a million directions by your precocious kids, demanding boss and starved-for-attention spouse? Do you find the only time you are able to steal a moment to yourself is when you’re behind the doors of a bathroom stall? Then you are in desperate need of a play-date with Peeing in Peace.

Between the pages of this book you’ll find your community, confidantes and co-conspirators. Packed with hilarious stories and side-splitting parenting tips, we’ll help you navigate the choppy waters of work, home and everywhere in between.

Whether you’re a working mom practicing the daily juggle, expectant mom wondering what your new life will be like, or stay at home mom who’s thinking of one day dusting off those old business suits and jumping back into the game, this is the only humorous how-to you’ll ever need. Who else but two successful time-strapped busy working moms can offer a brutally honest yet beautifully inspiring glimpse of what it’s really like to be a modern day working mother?
I haven't had a chance to review this book yet but it sounds like something every mom could use for those times you feel things are spiralling out of control. I was a full-time, working-outside-the-home mom for 8 months before coming to a crossroads and making the decision to stay at home. I've had the unique opportunity to view motherhood from both perspectives. Unlike other books that patronize you for the lifestyle you've chosen for your family or pit moms against one another, this book seems nonjudgmental and constructive.

BUY IT: You can purchase Peeing in Peace online at or at your local Barnes and Noble bookstore (ARV $9.95).

WIN IT: Want to pee in peace? Beth is giving one lucky reader a copy of this book!

MAIN COURSE (MANDATORY ENTRY): Besides the bathroom, tell me how you spend your "me time". Remember to leave your email address in your comment if it isn't visible on your profile or if you are not a blogger!

SUGAR ON TOP (BONUS ENTRIES): To maximize your chances of winning, you may do any or all of the following. Be sure to complete the above mandatory entry or your bonus entries will not count!

1.) Follow my blog or subscribe via reader or email. Comment telling me which method you chose. If you already follow or subscribe, that counts! (1 entry)

2.) Follow me and Beth on Twitter and tweet about this contest. Just leave me a comment with your tweet link. (1 entry)

3.) Become a fan of The See Mom Run Book Tour on Facebook. (1 entry)

4.) Join the Role Mommy network. If you're already a member, this counts! Just leave me a comment with your username. (1 entry)

5.) Subscribe to Role Mommy via email or RSS feed. (1 entry)

6.) Enter any of my other current giveaways and leave a comment telling me which one(s) you entered. (1 entry each)

I'm an Editor's Pick!

Giveaway will end on November 10, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. U.S. residents only. Winner will be chosen via and will have 48 hours to respond to congratulatory email or prize will be forfeited and another winner will be chosen.

Disclaimer: I was not sent a review copy of Peeing in Peace, nor was I compensated in any other way for this post. The opinions expressed in this post are purely mine. You may have a different experience upon reading this book.


Somewhat Ordinary said... 1

I did them all!

Kim said... 2

I contest in my ME time!

Kim said... 3

subscribe to your emails

Kim said... 4

subscribe to Role Mommy

Reading said... 5

I spend my me time at the supermarket. Besides the bathroom, its the one place that my kids don't want to follow me! I like to walk from aisle to aisle. Then I pick the longest line, grab a nice magazine and read.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

lisa said... 6

My "me time" is spent at the gym, and i refer to the gym as a necessary evil.

5webs said... 7

The only me time that I have is after my four-year-old, my three-year-old, and my two-year-old go to bed at 8:30 PM. Then I talk to my hubby (who got home at 7:30 PM), and read or check my E-mail.
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 8

I follow you and Beth on Twitter and I Tweeted this giveaway
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 9

I am a fan of the See Mom Run Book Tour on Facebook
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 10

I subscribe to Role Mommy via E-mail
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 11

I entered the Gift Of An Ordinary Day giveaway.
Alicia Webster

sweetsue said... 12

I like to spend my "me" time in bed with a good book.
smchester at gmail dot com

mverno said... 13

reading in front of the fireplace with a glas of wine

Carol EL said... 14

My "me time" is spent at the computer playing TOON TOWN.

Carol EL said... 15

E-mail subscriber.

Carol EL said... 16


Jennifer T. said... 17

Curled up with hot coffee and a trashy novel!


Whitney said... 18

I spend my "me time" entering giveaways during naptime! Or in the car- driving anywhere- by myself!

Whitney said... 19

follow your blog

Whitney said... 20

follow both on twitter and tweet-

Whitney said... 21

entered permission slips

Whitney said... 22

entered the gift of an ordinary day

Whitney said... 23

subscribed to role mommy via email

Aimee said... 24

My me time is usually spent on the computer or reading. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Aimee said... 25

I follow your blog

Meg said... 26

If I have learned anything in the the past year with twins, it is to rest when I can! I spend my me time napping or sitting quietly with a good book.

mscoffee77 said... 27

I get some "me time" when my little one is napping. I make a cup of coffee, grab a snack bar and enter contests;)


Terra Heck said... 28

I spend "me" time by sitting down and reading a book or catching up on my emails. Thanks.

Angela G said... 29

I spend my "me" time after the kids go to bed watching a little tv or a movie!

saturdaynightfever said... 30

I like to do crossword puzzles!

erma said... 31

I spend my me time in my room with the door locked.

degood said... 32

I spend my ME time by waking up a hour before the kids get up and I make a cup of coffee and just browse my emails and facebook updates in peace with no one bugging me.

Susan said... 33

Years ago I used to spend my "ME time" by sitting in the car after work in the parking garage. Honestly that was the only stress free time for a few years. Now I stay up late at play on the computer.

Susan said... 34

Goodie Goodie Gumdrops subscriber

Susan said... 35

Entered the Softlips giveaway

susan1215 said... 36

My me time is in my bedroom reading in bed

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said... 37

These days I spend my me time by going on the computer.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said... 38

follow both on twitter as kngmckellar and tweeted

Candie L said... 39

I have "me" time by kicking the boys (daddy and the two boys) out of the house for at least a few hours. thank you


Candie L said... 40

I am following your blog. Thank you


Candie L said... 41

I subscribed via email. Thank you


Ginny said... 42

Funny, I love going in the bath room for me time. My husband will always end up asking me what I'm doing though, men dont' understand. I actually get some me time when my oldest is at dance lately. She dances a few hours a couple days a week & it isn't worth going home. She is getting older though, so I don't stay. I'm able to get errands done, browse at stores or sit at Barnes & Noble for awhile by myself. I love it!

Ginny said... 43


Ginny said... 44

Joined Role Mommy, user name is Ginny

Ginny said... 45

Get the role mommy emails

Anonymous said... 46

I spend my me time in the bedroom listening to some cool jazz.

cman said... 47

On the computer :)

/\Heather/\ said... 48

Reading in my special chair or napping. Ahhhh...

Nancye said... 49

I like to read in my spare time.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 50


nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 51

email subscriber

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said... 52

subscriber via reader

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

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