We're kicking off Bookworm Week with a selection that's perfect for my fellow mommies and mommy bloggers.
Let's keep it real. As a first timer, I've had my share of harrowing mommy moments. Postpartum dumping. Reflux. Colic. Countless puddles of the three P's - puke, poo and pee. Nursing strikes. Bottle battles. Nipple pain. Illness. Food sensitivities. It's only been 15 months and I feel as if I've gotten more hands-on training than any other job could provide. These experiences were anything but funny at the time. Gut-wrenching, tear-jerking, frustrating - yes. But as they say, time heals all wounds and looking back, I can now have a sense of humor about it all.
See Mom Run: Side Splitting Essays from the World's Most Harried Blogging Moms, the upcoming release from Beth Feldman of RoleMommy.com fame, is like Sex and the City with a mom's spin. The martini glasses are replaced with bottles and breastpumps. The Jimmy Choos and Manolos are traded for flip flops and sneakers. Oh, and there's baby barf in lieu of perfume. Okay, so maybe there isn't much of a resemblance to the TV series. But it's a group of mommy bloggers who've all joined in to share their most witty accounts of childrearing.
While life may go by in a flash, See Mom Run captures all those memorable moments with candor, wit and a little wisdom thrown in for good measure. From labor pains, to sleepless nights, to potty disasters, work stress, weight gain, holiday mayhem, teen angst, empty nest syndrome, home renovations and even colonoscopy exams, See Mom Run is the perfect prescription for today's harried parents.I had the pleasure of receiving a pre-publication review copy from Beth over a month ago. Of course, my intentions were to read it during naptimes but with housework ever mounting and between playdates and other commitments, I wasn't able to finish the book until now. Ah, the life of a busy mom (aren't those terms synonymous?). But Beth's book made me feel anything but guilty.
The hilarity ensues from the first paragraph. The dramatic tales these women share will make you cringe, make you cry, or make you laugh until you pee your pants. If you're like me and still have weak bladder control from not practicing those Kegels as diligently as you should. Some are just plain outrageous. Take for example, my personal favorite, Jenna McCarthy's "There She Blows", a saga of cleaning vomit with tampons, stepping in dog poo and trouncing about a popular department store with a bare bottom. Or Issa Mas' "Fire Trucks are Dangerous", in which her son's pronunciation of the word "truck" forbids his entrance into an upscale private school. Situations I have never experienced (and hope NOT to!), yet I could imagine myself being in their unfortunate shoes.
Or there's Danielle Dardashti's "Baby Fat" a story about being mistaken for pregnant - 5 months after delivery. Or Liz Gumbinner's "Type B Mom", a sweet essay about her transition from organized, all-together career woman to lackadaisical, sippy-scraping mom. Stories I could have written myself. Although not nearly as comical.
With each chapter, I found myself nodding along in agreement, even if I was also shuddering in terror. If this were a virtual roundtable, I pictured us all high-fiving, hugging and patting each other on the back. At the end of the day, no matter our varying backgrounds or experiences, we are all mothers. Mothers with our own little anecdotes that can entertain as well as educate.
Bottom line: See Mom Run is a fun, easy read for anyone from mom-to-be to those whose children have already long left the nest.
BUY IT: See Mom Run will be released this week on November 1, 2009 but you can pre-order the book on Amazon (ARV $12.95).
Through the months of November and December, Beth will be embarking on her book tour. If you live in any of the following markets, be sure to check out these parties! If you want to attend, just become a fan of The See Mom Run Book Tour on Facebook and contact Beth about getting an invite.
November 3 - Boston, MA - Women's Council of Realtors event & Boston Moms meet & tweet with Gal Time
November 9 - Dix Hills, NY- Moms Night In - LOL Reading & Motivation Session with the MoJo Coach
November 10 - Larchmont, NY - Groove
November 12 - Philly, PA - Tennis Addiction & Calista Grand Spa
November 13 - Ridgewood, NJ - YMCA of Bergen County
November 15 - New York, NY - Kidrockers Family Event at the Living Room
November 18 - Charlotte, NC - Jewish Library & JCC
December 3 - Chicago, IL - Comedy Sportz Theater
December 4 - Los Angeles, CA - The Treehouse Social Club
December 5 - Los Angeles, CA - Kidrockers at The Echo
Coming soon: Washington DC, Maryland and Seattle!
Disclaimer: As I noted above, I received a pre-publication review copy of this book from Beth at RoleMommy.com to facilitate my candid review. I was in no other way compensated for this post.
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