Monday, September 21, 2009

World Gratitude Day: The Gratitude Challenge

Did you know that today is World Gratitude Day?

With our hectic lives, it's so easy to get bogged down with minute details. Cooking. Cleaning. Housework. Diapers. Playdates. Naptime. Errands. Blogging. It's no wonder we often feel like there isn't enough time in a day to get it all done. We're always striving to do more - to be better - that we hardly ever stop to smell the roses anymore. We don't stop to appreciate life as it is. Right now.

But TinyPrints is trying to change that with a simple social experiment: The Gratitude Challenge. They recently asked 30 high-profile bloggers to volunteer their time and to take part in a 21-day challenge that encouraged them to take note of the brighter side of life. For each day of the challenge, participants were asked to perform one small task to give thanks and take note of what they are grateful for. The exercise proved to be so enlightening to all involved that they are now seeking broader support for the campaign.
At Tiny Prints, we believe that sharing gratitude for everyday experiences can revitalize our commitment to living life in a sensational way. As a result, we invite you to spend a few minutes each day to count all of life's little blessings.
Check out this inspiring video compilation of the impact of the gratitude movement:

For the next 21 days, I'll be taking the challenge. On Twitter and on my blog, I'll be participating in the activities and sharing with you all of the things that I am thankful for. Hopefully, we can learn more about each other and see life from a new, sunnier perspective.

Take note, give thanks and join the movement by taking the pledge today. Oh, and check back tomorrow to read my first assignment!
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