Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our Yo Gabba Gabba! Live! Concert Experience

As you know, last night, my family and I had the pleasure of attending the Yo Gabba Gabba! Live! event in Bristow, VA. Let me just was spectacular! The weather was hot and we were sweating up a storm from all of the dancing but we had an amazing time. This experience will definitely be a cherished life-long memory for me.

When we first arrived at the pavilion, we secured our tickets and made our way to the front gate. We had to make a pit stop at a blue fountain that had mesmerized Nate. He wouldn't even look away for a photo.

The courteous staff helped us find our seats (which were super, by the way) and we killed time by donning our DJ Lance glasses, grabbing some bottled water and scoping out the venue.

I wasn't sure how Nate would react, as this was his very first concert and well, he can be a temperamental toddler. But he did great! He was a little restless in his seat at first but once he spotted the Yo Gabba Gabba decor, he grew so excited for the show to start.

The moment they started playing the Yo Gabba Gabba! theme song, the audience roared. DJ Lance came out first, saying his magic words to bring the rest of the gang to life. They got us all off our feet to sing and dance along.

For the Super Music Friends Show segment, we were introduced to an indie-rock band called Steel Train. I had never heard of them before but they were great! Nate was jumping and dancing all around, getting his sillies out. I'll definitely have to check out some of their albums.

Nate loves balloons so we were excited to hear the song,"Balloons Make Me Happy". Nate was clapping his hands as Brobee floated up in the air. At the end of the song, they released balloons from the rafters for all of us in the audience! All three of us were able to snag a balloon buddy.

After a short intermission, the gang came back out with a bang. Muno and Foofa came down our row and shook our hands! I had never seen Nate grin so big. I wish I could have taken a better picture but this one was taken just after we met Foofa.

We were then treated to an extra-special "Peanut Butter Stomp" Dancey-Dance with special guest Do It (who was featured on the Season 1 "Dance" episode) and Biz Markie came out for his ultra-cool "Beat of the Day" segment. He even invited several preschoolers up on stage to mimic his beat, which was the cutest thing.

We were having so much fun and didn't want our time to end but inevitably, we had to say goodbye. But not before our friends concluded with everyone's favorite "Party in My Tummy" song.

We had such a blast! Nate even cried as we left the pavilion because he wanted to stay and party. If you're a Yo Gabba Gabba! fan, you will undoubtedly adore this show. It is entertaining and just pure fun!

Wanna catch a Party in Your City? Check out tour locations and dates and purchase tickets online at You don't want to miss it!

I would like to graciously thank Michelle Sisco P.R. for the opportunity to attend the Bristow, VA show. It was our most memorable family outing to date, for sure!

Disclaimer: I received three free tickets to attend the Yo Gabba Gabba! Live! show in Bristow, VA and share my experience on my blog. I was not compensated in any other way for this post. All opinions expressed are purely my own. Your experience may differ.


Anonymous said... 1

I am so thrilled to be reading everyones experiences, and that they were great! We are attending on Friday and with what I'm reading we cannot wait to see them. Sounds so much fun.

Nicole said... 2

Jealous of you too!!! I want to take my little one!

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