Thursday, July 29, 2010

Review: Silikids Siliglass

Thank you to Abbott Communications and Silikids for participating in the Bloggy Birthday Blowout Event on Goodie Goodie Gumdrops!

My little boy is growing up. It seems like just yesterday he was transitioning from breast to sippy (he never was one for bottles with those pesky artificial nipples). And now he's beginning to show interest in drinking from an open, "big kid" cup. Now I don't want to discourage Nate from exhibiting his independence, but at the same time I can just envision his chubby little butter fingers losing their grip and the sound of glass shattering all over our floor. So, for safety reasons - and let's face it, a desire for less mess -we almost always offer a sippy cup instead. Thankfully, Silikids has the perfect drinkware solution for us.

Silikids is a mom-founded brand, focused on creating innovative children's products exclusively from silicone. Silicone is derived from sand, unlike petroleum-based plastics, and produces no harmful by-products in its manufacturing or disposal. Silicone is unique in that it is naturally hypoallergenic, germ, mold and toxin-free, making it a popular choice for bottle nipples, pacifiers and teethers. But Silikids is stretching the limits of this green substance by developing baby knee pads, bibs, glass bottle skins and more.

We had the opportunity to review the Siliglass, a 6 oz. child-size cup made from 100% food grade silicone. The external Siliskin protects against slipping, prevents breakage of the glass inside and is non-porous so it can't harbor bacteria. Because silicone is extremely heat-resistant, it is dishwasher-safe and can also be boiled to sterilize. The Siliglass is available in four fun colors: aqua, lime, red and purple.

The Siliglass is now Nate's favorite cup. Whenever he sees it sitting in our drying rack, he reaches for it and begs for a drink. And instead of hesitating, I happily oblige him. Why? The bumps on the Siliskin make it easy for Nate to grip the glass. It's super soft and comfy to the touch. And while we haven't yet had any accidental drops (I couldn't bear to do it on purpose!), I know that if it should happen, it is highly unlikely to break. I'm pleasantly surprised by how well Nate drinks from his Siliglass. He hardly ever spills liquid out of it. I am one proud mama!

I like that the Siliglass is completely safe and easy to clean. Just throw it in the top rack of the dishwasher and call it a day! Getting the sleeve back on the glass is a bit tricky but with some practice, it gets easier. I find pulling the skin back and rolling it back over the glass is the fastest method. Of course, because there is no lid to the Siliglass, it is not really suitable for travel. But it is our go-to cup at mealtimes when Nate is seated and can be supervised.

Bottom line: If your toddler or preschooler is growing beyond the sippy cup stage, the Siliglass is the safest - and most stylish - next step. I personally can't wait for the 11 oz. Siliglass to come out later this year so I can have one too!

BUY IT: You can purchase the 6 oz. Siliglass individually (ARV $7.95) or in a 4-pack (ARV $24.95) and check out the rest of their offerings online at

And don't forget to follow Silikids on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and updates!

Disclaimer: I received a free Siliglass from Hilary at Abbott Communications on behalf of Silikids to facilitate my candid review. I was in no other way compensated for this post. The thoughts and opinions expressed in my review are solely mine. Your experience may differ.


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