We all go through peaks and valleys in our lives. The rough patches (illness, death/loss, divorce, etc.) can seem impossible to get through without the support of friends and family. But holding their hand or crying on their shoulder may not always be an option, especially for those who live remotely. It's nice to have something tangible to always keep you connected to your loved ones in times of need.
The Friendship Stone is the brainchild of Cathy Raff. In Cathy's first year of college, she was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and had a total colectomy. When she was 31, she married her husband and tried for a family. After four years and 12 unsuccessful IVF treatments, they discovered surrogacy. Through three amazing women, Cathy and her husband were able to have three healthy children. In overcoming many medical ordeals, Cathy realized that her diseases were actually a gift. Before her first surgery, she was not aware of life without pain. But from
that moment on, there has never been a day that she is not aware of the feeling of being pain-free. She had gained a new perspective on life. After hearing the concerns of a close friend whose son was struggling with some childhood challanges, Cathy gave her a stone that she had collected from a recent business trip to South Africa. She suggested giving it to her son to comfort him while they were apart. This became the prototype for the Friendship Stone.

The Friendship Stone is a Tiger's Eye stone, which symbolizes the power of perspective. Each stone takes its shape by the stones it touches, just as we do by those that touch our lives. You can celebrate your special bond with a friend or loved one with the gift of a Friendship Stone, to communicate the importance of "rock solid" friendship and the beauty of optimism and giving.
These mementos represent not only lifelong friendships but the power of positive thinking and the strength and ability to change your situation.
Like the light that passes through their warm amber striations changing the stone's appearance, such is the light within ourselves giving us strength to change our perspective and embrace the power of positive thinking.Each gift set comes with a beautifully presented stone, decorative suede storage pouch, brochure explaining its origins and a blank gift card, which can be personalized for the recipient. They are suitable for nearly any occasion, from holidays and birthdays to hospitalizations and graduations. You could even give one just to say "I'm thinking of you."
I received a Friendship Stone Individual Pack to review.
When I received my stone, it was a bit smaller than I expected. But I liked that it fit nicely in the palm of hand. It had a comfortable, smooth, satiny texture. I could imagine myself squeezing it and closing my eyes to draw strength from and feel the presence of the giver.
I have a bleeding heart and I am quite the sentimental, emotional type. So, naturally, I love the meaning and concept behind the Friendship Stone. Having gone through years of primary infertility, there were many times I felt alone and misunderstood. Most people's advice was to "relax and it will happen". Not helpful in the least after losing two pregnancies. During my period of grief, I would have loved to receive something like this to give me a virtual hug and to restore my hope and faith. I am happy to now have one that I can pass off to a friend in need.
Bottom line: The Friendship Stone is a timeless treasure for friends and loved ones that transcends space and time. It's a unique, artful twist on the age-old BFF necklace.
BUY IT: Friendship Stone gift packs are available exclusively at www.TheFriendshipStone.com (ARV $19.95-$29.95). Friendship Stone necklaces are also available (ARV $70-95).
DELICIOUS DISCOUNT: For a limited time only, you can receive 30% off all Friendship Stone Gift Packs or 20% off all Friendship Stone necklaces. Just use codes "Spring" and "Spring2" respectively!
Disclaimer: As noted above, I received a free Friendship Stone Individual Pack from Kathy at K2 Public Relations Group in exchange for my candid review. I was not compensated in any other way for this post.
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