Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Giveaway: SIGG Water Bottle CLOSED

Thank you to PUR for participating in the Goodie Goodie Gumdrops Earth Week Event!

We all know clean water is an important part of a healthy, green lifestyle. But do you know exactly how important it is? Our bodies are made of 60-70% water so understandably, we need to ingest water to keep them functioning well. Even mild dehydration can lead to significant impairment of cognitive function, leading to confusion and irritability. In children, dehydration can cause reduced mental capabilities. We need approximately two liters of water (~ 8 cups) each day to replace fluids lost to perspiration, breathing and waste elimination.

Water can be helpful in preventing kidney stones and flushing away toxins that can be problematic for the liver. Drinking water can also help you prevent a heart attack! Studies show that women who drank 5 or more glasses of water per day were 41% less likely to die of a heart attack than those who drank fewer than 2 glasses per day. Amazing! Water is vital to healthy weight management as well as exercise, helping to cushion joints for shock absorption and reduce cramping.

Unfortunately, while clean water is necessary, it is a scarce and precious resource. The average person wastes up to 30 gallons of water every day. Consumers spend billions of dollars on plastic bottled water each year. Did you know that meeting America's demand for bottled water requires more than 1.5 million barrels of oil annually - enough to fuel 100,000 U.S. cars for a year?! Only 23% of these plastic bottles are recycled, resulting in 38 billion plastic water bottles being discarded to landfills each year.

One of the easiest steps to countering this issue is opting for a reusable water bottle. Refilling a portable bottle with filtered tap water from PUR gives consumers an easy way to make a healthy choice, while saving natural resources and reducing plastic.

SIGG is the creator of the original, reusable water bottle. Each bottle is made from a single, seamless piece of pure aluminum, colored with solvent-free coating powder and is 100% recyclable. The internal coating is guaranteed to be taste-neutral and is resistant to fruit acids and isotonic drinks. Elastic and unbreakable, this coating will not peel off, even if dented on the outside. Considering Newsweek recently ranked Switzerland as the greenest country in the world, it's no surprise that this Swiss company manufacturers to the highest standards. They have consistently been the market leader in consumer tests and their innovative, functional bottles are perfectly suited for both leisure and sporting activities. SIGG's beautiful bottle designs make sustainable chic.

And thanks to the folks at over at PUR, you can get the chance to show off your very own!

WIN IT: One lucky reader is going to get the chance to win a limited-edition SIGG "Thirsty For Change" .6L/20oz. bottle (shown below) from PUR! That's a $22 value!

MAIN COURSE (MANDATORY ENTRY): Take a look around the PUR website and tell me something you learned or a product you want to try. Remember to please leave your email address in your comment if it isn't visible on your profile to prevent disqualification!

SUGAR ON TOP (BONUS ENTRIES): To maximize your chances of winning, you may do any or all of the following. Be sure to complete the above mandatory entry or your bonus entries will not count! Remember to leave one comment per entry.

1.) Follow my blog and/or subscribe via reader or email. If you already follow and/or subscribe, that counts! (1 entry each)

2.) Follow me and PUR on Twitter and tweet about this contest. You can do this daily! You may use the following tweet of come up with one of your own:

Thirsty for change? Ditch the plastic and win a ltd. ed. SIGG water bottle from @PURtweets and @kris10chumley Ends 5/7

Just leave a comment with your tweet link. (1 entry per day max)

3.) Become a fan of PUR on Facebook. (1 entry)

4.) Add my blog button and/or event button to your site and leave a comment with the link to where I can find it. (1 entry/each)

Giveaway will end on May 7, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. Open to U.S. only. Winners will be chosen via and will have 48 hours to respond to congratulatory email or prize will be forfeited and another winner will be chosen.

Disclaimer: Thank you to Sarah at Devries Public Relations for this giveaway opportunity. I was not sent a product to review, nor was I compensated in any way for this post. All statistics presented in my review were provided via a PUR press release.


Unknown said... 1

Using the PUR® COST-SAVINGS CALCULATOR, I learned that from cutting bottled water out of our lives (which we finally did at the beginning of the year!!), we will have an annual savings of approximately $405. Not to mention the savings to the environment!

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 2

Follow your blog!

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 3

Subscribe via google reader!

heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

The Punky Pigeon said... 4

I learned that I should probably buy a PUR pitcher and toss my Brita!! Yikes! Microbes!!

I'm a follower!

morganstephenson at yahoo dot com

The Punky Pigeon said... 5

Ooops, meant to put that on a separate post!

I'm a blog follower!

morganstephenson at yahoo dot com

The Punky Pigeon said... 6

Your button is on my website!

morganstephenson at yahoo dot com

aledol said... 7

Tap water filter would like to have

aledol said... 8


aledol said... 9
Button faves

aledol said... 10
Event Button

aledol said... 11


aledol said... 12

G rd /fd

aledol said... 13

slb3334 said... 14

I like the flavor options pitcher.

Benita said... 15

I learned that more than a billion people don't have access to clear drinking water.


Benita said... 16

Email subscriber.


mverno said... 17

Your tap water may look clean, but it may still contain potentially harmful contaminants. Depending on where you live, your water can be contaminated with everything from industrial and agricultural pollutants to heavy metals, sediments and even trace levels of pharmaceuticals

wildcat32 said... 18

I would like to try the 2 Stage Water Pitcher.

Anonymous said... 19

I use the Pur pitcher in my fridge, always have clean, cold water! gbloganx(AT)aol(DOT)com

aledol said... 20

Chrystal said... 21

I'd like to try the Pur Water Dispenser.

Jolee said... 22

Learned thas less than 5% of plastics are recycled. Ug.

Unknown said... 23

I learned you can save up to $600 a year!

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

Jolee said... 24

subscribe to blog.

Steph @ Three Loud Kids! said... 25

I lovethe flavor options piture.

aledol said... 26

aledol said... 27

aledol said... 28

Terra Heck said... 29

One of their products I'd like to try is the PUR 2 Stage Water Pitcher with Electronic Filter Change Light. Thanks.

Terra Heck said... 30

email subscriber

aledol said... 31

Dani said... 32

I'd like to try their new water facet filter. Goes straight on the tap! dani at tdnet dot us

Dani said... 33

I follow on GFC. dani at tdnet dot us

Dani said... 34

I am a PUR FB fan. dani at tdnet dot us

Smooshy said... 35

i want the tap water filter!

Karen P said... 36

I want to try the pitcher with flavor options

Karen P said... 37

gfc follower

Anonymous said... 38

I would like to try the PUR Water Dispensers

Desi @ Wee Share said... 39

I would like to try the 3 stage vertical faucet filter


Desi @ Wee Share said... 40

blog follower


Desi @ Wee Share said... 41

email subscriber


Desi @ Wee Share said... 42

like PUR on FB- Desiree Glaze


Desi @ Wee Share said... 43

follow you both as WeeShare


Unknown said... 44

I can $400 per year with a pur filter!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

cvs927 said... 45

I would love to try the PUR® Water Dispensers for all our outdoor events, this sounds perfect!

cvs927 @

turboterp said... 46

I'd love this PUR water pitcher:

Thank you!

turboterp said... 47

I follow you via Google Friend Connect.

Tonya Dean said... 48

Flavor Options™ Water Pitcher


Anonymous said... 49

Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love love LOVE to win this.... =]

jennem said... 50

Microbial cysts can enter the water from human or animal fecal waste. Cryptosporidium is a parasite commonly found in lakes and rivers. According to the EPA, cryptosporidium is resistant to disinfection, and even well-operated water-treatment systems cannot ensure that drinking water can be completely clear of it.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

jennem said... 51

Public follower as jennem.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

k-team said... 52

I would also like the water pitcher that lets you add flavor to your water. Thanks!

Kate said... 53

The PUR® Water Dispenser sounds perfect for our barbecues!

susansmoaks said... 54

i learned that:

Daily Drop: On average you should drink around 2 liters of water a day. -World Health Organization

susansmoaks said... 55


susansmoaks said... 56

pur fb fan
tony l smoaks

susansmoaks said... 57

following both on twitter and tweeted:

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said... 58

flavor options pitcher!!!

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said... 59


~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said... 60

Tweet tweet!!

Charlene S. said... 61

I could use the Flavor Options Water Pitcher. We drink alot of water at my house :)

Charlene S. said... 62

email subscribe, thanks!

Charlene S. said... 63

Follower on GFC

beshe said... 64

PUR, in alliance with the Children’s Safe Drinking Water program, has helped educate people on the importance of clean water and distributed PUR water purification packets

Unknown said... 65

PUR 2 Stage Water Pitcher

Tylerpants said... 66

I learned that with every purchase of a PUR system, a portion of the proceeds will go to Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program. YAY! tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 67

I'm a follower. tylerpants(at)

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said... 68

I love the flavor options water pitcher

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said... 69

I subscribe by google reader

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said... 70

i follow you on twitter

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said... 71

i follow pur on twitter

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said... 72

i tweeted

Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach said... 73

i'm a fan of pur on FB

Renee G said... 74

I would love to have a Pur 2 Stage water pitcher.

Rebecca Orr said... 75

I like the Pu Water Dispenser a lot. It would be great to have for the summer. Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said... 76

Follower of the blog. bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said... 77

Reader subscriber. bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said... 78

Following both on twitter: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said... 79

Pur Facebook fan (liked them): Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail

Rebecca Orr said... 80

Have blog button:
bekki1820cb at gmail

trixx said... 81

I learned that by switching from bottled water to PUR faucet filtered water, you’ll get 400 gallons of clean filtered water a year.

trixx said... 82

I subscribe via email.

trixx said... 83

I follow your blog!

Sand said... 84

I want to own the PŪR® 3 Stage Vertical Faucet Mount-Chrome.

cman said... 85

PUR water pitcher

Anonymous said... 86

I want to try the PUR Waer Dispenser.

lilyk said... 87

I learned that consumers use 1.5 million tons of plastic globally each year for water bottles-of which less than 5% of the plastic waste is recycled.

lilyk said... 88

I subscribed by email.

lilyk said... 89

I became a fan of PUR on Facebook.

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