Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Review and Giveaway: Motherhood the Movie CLOSED

I am a big fan of independent films. Unlike the blockbuster movies backed by millions of dollars and hoards of special effects, indie films typically have modest budgets that allow them more creative freedom. The layers of character development blossom and the storylines are often daring and bold. They're the movies I want to watch again and again because I uncover something new each time.

When I heard about the new indie film, Motherhood, starring Uma Thurman and Anthony Edwards, I couldn't wait to see it. I am a mom, after all. I wanted to purchase tickets but sadly, it was only in limited release in larger cities. So, after months of anticipation for its arrival to DVD, I was thrilled to recently have the chance to review it!

Eliza Welch (Uma Thurman) is a frazzled, NYC-dwelling mother of two who has traded in her ambitious fiction-writing career for the sippy-cup retrieving, sock-picker-upper life of a stay-at-home mom. Nowadays, the closest thing to writing she has is her blog, "The Bjorn Identity". She feels as though she has lost herself in the mundane details of her daily routine. Her husband Avery (Anthony Edwards) is well-intentioned but oblivious to his wife's dilemmas. Her friend and confidante, Sheila (Minnie Driver), is the only one who seems to understand. When she discovers an essay contest with a grand prize of a $3,000/month column for an upscale parenting magazine, Eliza thinks this is her chance to replenish her passion. All she has to do is write 500 words about what motherhood means to her. Problem is, the entry deadline is midnight and her to-do list, including her daughter's 6th birthday party, is growing more harrowing by the minute. Motherhood follows Eliza through one pivotal day, where her trials and tribulations open her eyes to what truly matters. This bittersweet dramedy is loosely based on the life of writer and director Katherine Dieckmann, acclaimed filmmaker of Diggers and A Good Baby.

Not wanting to spoil the fun with revealing details, I'll just let you view the trailer:

I really wanted to love this movie. I really did. As much as it pains me to say it, I was a little disappointed. I expected a witty, Carrie Bradshaw-sans-Manolos-avec-Bugaboo tale. Instead, I found the ending predictable and ultimately felt disconnected from the characters. I kept waiting for a climax or an event that would grip me but it never happened. If it weren't for the all-star cast, I don't think I would have lasted more than a half hour. I only laughed aloud once during the whole movie and that was due to Minnie Driver's refreshing turn as Eliza's frank, no-holds-barred ally, Sheila.

I felt that the film simply tried too hard to be prolific and clever. I found most of the humor to be more contrived than earnest. The snobby carpool mom. The playground politics. The cute delivery boy who pays Eliza a much-needed compliment or two. The hurried city life and lack of parking. The debilitated neighbor. The petty argument with her closest friend. A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day that leads to a breakdown. It all seemed like too much territory to cover in 94 minutes. Instead of exposing our secret truths and shedding light on the darker side of motherhood, it merely scratched the surface on the numerous issues we face each day.

That being said, there were some brief, heartwarming moments that redeemed the film somewhat for me. In the beginning of the movie, Eliza awakens at dawn to sneek a photo of her daughter on her last day as a five-year old. Totally something I would do. In another scene, while she is cleaning up, she unscrews the top of a sippy cup, performs a quick sniff check and drinks the remaining liquid. Yeah, I've done that. In yet another scene, while she is brainstorming for her article, she looks over at her toddler son who is playing and he waves to her. The look between them - one of unconditional love - gave me the warm fuzzies.

There were times I could feel for Eliza, as she struggled to carry her toddler in a bulky back carrier and walk the family dog. Or as she talked about how her daughter was six today but would be eighteen tomorrow. Or how she confessed to her husband that she could hardly recognize herself anymore. As a mom blogger myself, I could relate to her fight to find the right words. She was likeable, even if she did annoy me or come across as whiny at times. (Knowingly leaving your toddler unbuckled in his car seat? Fleeing to New Jersey on a whim? Do parents really do this?)

Eliza's struggle to balance her responsibilities with her needs and desires is a universal one. We've all experienced mommy guilt at some point or another when we fall short of our unrealistic expectations. We all wonder if we're making the best decisions for our family's sake. It's just a day in the life of a mama. And while the film left me wanting more, I could nod along in agreement. The eternal challenge of multi-tasking and the pursuit of passion lies at the heart of Motherhood.

Report Card: C+

BUY IT: You can now purchase Motherhood on DVD and Blu-Ray at most movie retailers and via Amazon.com (ARV $12.99).

WIN IT: One lucky reader is going to win a copy of the Motherhood DVD!

MAIN COURSE (MANDATORY ENTRY): Eliza had to answer it so now I ask you: what does motherhood mean to you? Remember to please leave your email address in your comment if it isn't visible on your profile to prevent disqualification!

SUGAR ON TOP (BONUS ENTRIES): To maximize your chances of winning, you may do any or all of the following. Be sure to complete the above mandatory entry or your bonus entries will not count!

1.) Follow my blog and/or subscribe via reader or email. Comment telling me which method you chose. If you already follow or subscribe, that counts! (1 entry each)

2.) Follow me and @MotherhoodFilm on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. You can do this daily! You may use the following tweet or come up with one of your own:

RT @kris10chumley: Win a copy of the @MotherhoodFilm on DVD featuring Uma Thurman! Ends 3/10 http://bit.ly/9QgF7K

Just leave a comment with your tweet link. (1 entry per day max)

3.) Add my button to your site and comment with a link where I can find it. (1 entry)

Giveaway will end on March 10, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. Open to US only. Winner will be chosen via Random.org and will have 48 hours to respond to congratulatory email or prize will be forfeited and another winner will be chosen.

Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of this DVD from Beth at Sugar Mountain P.R. to facilitate an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way for this post.
The thoughts and opinions expressed here are solely mine. Your experience may differ.


aledol said... 1

It means everything, I could not live nor breathe without my "Precious Miracles" & they are the reason I keep fighting through adversity, chronic health issues....I have been so blessed to be their mommy, mama, mother, & as they get older, friend

aledol said... 2


Kim said... 3

It means NEVER giving up on something that a rational person would likely give up on very very quickly!

Kim said... 4

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9623524690

Jolee said... 5

Means the world to me. :-) joleehamlin@comcast.net

Jolee said... 6

email subscriber too.

aledol said... 7


Benita said... 8

Nurturing, caring, loving unconditionally. Support, understanding, active listening, teaching/learning, kindness, generosity. Setting an example, being a role model, prociding a home, nourishment clothing....


Benita said... 9

Email subscriber.


Benita said... 10

Follower via GFC.


aledol said... 11


Terra Heck said... 12

Motherhood, to me, means being blessed with God's miracles. Motherhood means loving unconditinoally and being loved unconditionally. Thanks.

Terra Heck said... 13

email subscriber

Terra Heck said... 14

I follow your blog.

Kim said... 15

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9690959117

Amber said... 16

Motherhood means loving somebody else even more than yourself and sharing in their joy.
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 17

I follow your blog with google friend connect!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

aledol said... 18


Mysharona said... 19

It means tolerance and understanding.

Deborah Wellenstein said... 20

My children are in their 30'a, and they have children of their own. Motherhood means leaving a little bit of you behind for all time, in your children, and their children, and their children, and their children, and their children, and their children.

Kim said... 21

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9740611863

Sunnyvale said... 22

Motherhood? Fulfillment, joy and sorrow and hard work and heartache.

Karen P said... 23

To me it means that you have made the choice to sacrifice your life to allow anothers to blossom.

aledol said... 24


deb c said... 25

I can't really describe motherhood; to me it's a feeling. The best feeling on the whole world that lasts all your life.

Kim said... 26

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9789701389

Stephanie R. said... 27

motherhood means responsibility, stress, and absolutely total and complete love.
children are such wonderful gifts!


mogrill said... 28

It means putting everyone elses needs before yours! Thanks for the chance.

aledol said... 29


Kim said... 30

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9822969841

Katie said... 31

Motherhood means a whole lot of work! But also a whole lot of love :)
katiekarr at gmail dot com

aledol said... 32


Kim said... 33

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9873066570

Kim said... 34

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9922304458

aledol said... 35


Kim said... 36

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/9971528880

aledol said... 37


aledol said... 38


Kim said... 39

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/10022289002

Kim said... 40

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/10076247349

4tmama said... 41

phone crash, no vomp, twt @aleshamom4

Molly C. said... 42

Motherhood means leaving my mark on the future.

Kim said... 43

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/10118847739

aledol said... 44


Kim said... 45

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/10182634659

Kim said... 46

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/10218570352

Erica C. said... 47

It means giving more than you ever thought you had to provide, care for, and nurture your child.

Mommy 2 Monkeys said... 48

Doing my best to give my kids a full, enriched life.

saturdaynightfever said... 49

Listening and Loving!


aledol said... 50


aledol said... 51


Kim said... 52

tweet http://twitter.com/kgail11/status/10268457951

Felicia said... 53

Motherhood to me means taking care of my kids MY way. Using my instincts to protect them and raise them with manners and values. :)

tigpooh1516 at yahoo dot com

Felicia said... 54

Following and tweeted:


Felicia said... 55

I am subscribed!

Felicia said... 56

I am following w/ Google Connect

Felicia said... 57

I have your button!

gisellerol said... 58


Amy delong said... 59

it means I will do anything for my boys!


Amy delong said... 60

follow both and tweet


Kristie said... 61

Motherhood means love, care and devote myself to my little ones to help them grow to be the best they can be :-)

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

cman said... 62

Motherhood is Love.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said... 63

Motherhood is a great feeling. You love no one else like your children. dramaqueensmum@gmail.com

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said... 64

Following your on Twitter & tweeted. http://twitter.com/dramaqueensmum/status/10287071511

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said... 65

I follow your blog. dramaqueensmum@gmail.com

pinkveganmiso said... 66

It means to be an advocate for all of my kids. When one is having trouble, we sit down and figure out how to solve the problem. If it's necessary for me to step in, even when it makes me feel uncomfortable, I do it for my child's sake. If they see that someone believes in them, they will believe in themselves.


Kathy P said... 67

to me it means living and breathing for someone else besides yourself..taking it day by day making mistakes along the way and learning from them :)

Kathy P said... 68

following your blog as klp1965

Kathy P said... 69


Maja said... 70

it means loving someone more than yourself

Maja said... 71


Charlene Kuser said... 72

Motherhood means,love,care,teach, and support
of my children.Giving them what they need to survive in the world.


Charlene Kuser said... 73

Following your blog (Charlene)


Charlene Kuser said... 74

Following you and @MotherhoodFilm on Twitter


tina reynolds said... 75

laughing, crying, love, my kids make me want to pull my hair out sometimes then turn around and make me laugh thanks for the chance eaglesforjack@gmail.com

tina reynolds said... 76

I follow your blog

tina reynolds said... 77

I subscribe to your blog

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