I always associated Land's End with my mom's turtlenecks and my dad's blazers. In other words, a company dedicated to baby boomers. But have you taken a peek at their website or catalog lately? Check out this Ruffled Swim Mini for the beach bunnies, or this adorable Pleat Front dress just made for holiday gatherings. Definitely wearable for young and younger :)
Well, Land's End is playing Santa this Christmas with their Twelve Days of Twitter event - complete with holiday shopping tips/advice and giveaways for everyone on your list! It actually began on November 30th and on the very first day, I won a cashmere blend throw blanket! But worry not my friends - there are still nine days of goodies left! Here are the deets:
Lands' End Twelve Days of Twitter
Date: Daily from Monday, November 30th to Friday, December 11th
Time: 12:00 p.m. CST to 1:00 p.m. CST
Location: #landsend
Lands' End Hosts: @landsendchat, @LEprAmanda, @LandsEndPRAdam and @LandsEndPR
Remaining Topics:
Thursday, December 3rd (TODAY!) - Gifts at Work (Employees, Bosses and Co-workers!)
Friday, December 4th - Gifts for Kids
Saturday, December 5th - Greatest Can't Go Wrong Gift: Gift Cards
Sunday, December 6th - It's a cashmirical! Great Cashmere Gifts
Monday, December 7th - Fun Gifts Under $30
Tuesday, December 8th - FeelGood this holiday - Lands' End's FeelGood campaign
Wednesday, December 9th - Perfect Practical Presents: PJs, Robes and Slippers
Thursday, December 10th - Gifts for Guys
Friday, December 11th - Hostess Gifts
Enjoy and good luck!
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