Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November Winners!

I have several winners to announce this A.M. Were you one of them? Let's find out!

The winner of the YourPictureBook.com giveaway is...

ReggieMann said... 45

I follow your blog

ReggieM1961 (at) gmail (dot) com

The winner of the Pretty Please Press book collection is...

lilyk said... 71

Bella Bassett Ballerina looks very interesting!

The Boogie Wipes winner is...

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 53

We'd like to try the Grape scent!

Last but not least, the winner of the "Kiss Me, I'm From China" adoption outfit is...

dreamcleavers said... 26


i want to win just so i can see my baby daughter in the outfit

You may notice that the numbers don't quite match up on this last giveaway and that is due to some drama that went down in the comments. While we had 27 comments total, only 11 of them were actual entries. I'd like to publicly apologize to my readers since the spirit of the giveaway was compromised. My goal for this blog is to create a fun, positive space, where people can come to learn about new products, maybe win some goodies and get away from our daily stresses - if even for a moment. That was not achieved with this giveaway and for that, I am sorry.

Congratulations to all the winners! If you have not yet been contacted, keep an eye out for an email from me later today. As always, you will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.

Thank you to everyone who entered and to the following giveaway sponsors: Marile from YourPictureBook.com, Carolyn from Pretty Please Press, Molly from Little Busy Bodies, Inc. for the Boogie Wipes, and Caroline from Little Journeys Baby World for another generous giveaway opportunity.

If you didn't win, please check out my list of music giveaways from music week, which will all end this week.


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 1

I'm so sorry you had drama in that post's comments. :( I think it's an adorable little outfit, and if we were to adopt from China, I'd wear it on our little one proudly!

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