Monday, December 14, 2009

Lip Clear Lysine Plus Winner

The winner of the Lip Clear Lysine Plus cold sore treatment is...

Cheryl said... 22

one way to avoid cold sores is to avoid sharing fomites (inanimate objects on which the virus can live for a short time) such as towels or utensils

Congratulations, Cheryl! I will be emailing you shortly and you will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.

Thank you to Laurie at Robin Leedy Associates for this great review and giveaway opportunity and to everyone who entered. If you haven't already done so, check out my $600 Bei Bambini Holiday Bash giveaway, which ends tomorrow night!


Anonymous said... 1

congratulations to the winner..

following through MBC...if you can follow back it would be google friend connect is at the bottom..

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