Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blog Awards: I'm Feelin' the Love

I can't believe that in the past two weeks, I've been nominated for two blog awards! Wow! I feel like Sally Field right now. You love really really love me! I am blushing right now. I'm incredibly flattered than anyone reads my ramblings but to know that people actually like it enough to give me a shout-out, well, means the world to me.

Stina over at Woman and Mom has graciously given me the Best Blog Award. Thank you so so much, Stina!

The Best Blog Award Rules are as follows:

In order to accept the award, please post it on your blog with the name of the person(s) who gave awarded it, including the link to the blog.

Pass the award onto 15 other blogs that you have newly discovered and think are great.

Remember to contact the bloggers and let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So, in a completely random order, here are my 15 most recent, favorite revelations:

1. Michelle at Mama Plays Mozart
2. Kristi at Orange Juice
3. Marillyn at Just Making Noise
4. Candace at Serendipity Mommy
5. Mommy Momo
6. Anne and Emily at Bloom
7. Stephanie at Adventures in Babywearing
8. Miss B. and Miss K. at The Bright Side Project
9. Michelle at Mkokopelli
10. Kim at Dirty Diaper Laundry
11. Amanda at Twice the Love...Half the Sleep
12. Carrie at Bloomacious Digs
13. Holly at This Mama Rocks
14. Nicole at Good Golly Miss Blondie
15. Sabrina at Adventures in Baby Food

I was also lucky enough to be given the Honest Scrap Award from Mary at 512 Kidz. Thanks a million, Mary!

Here are the rules:

1) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.

2) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving the award.

3) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.

Here are my 10 honest truths:

1. I've lived in 8 - soon to be 9 - cities, all within the state of Maryland. What can I say? I'm an East Coast girl.

2. My husband and I met online and have been married for 3+ years. We were married on June 21, 2006. Yes, that was a Wednesday. And we had a fabulous wedding at half the cost.

3. I suffered from female factor infertility for over 2 years and had 2 miscarriages before the birth of our son, Nate in July 2008. I remain a staunch infertility advocate to this day.

4. My favorite hard candy is Gobstoppers and my favorite candy bar is Twix. Although Take 5 is a close second. Yum!

5. I worked for an advertising agency as a media planner/buyer before deciding to become a stay-at-home mom. When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinarian before I found out I'd have to put animals to sleep. I also considered a career in psychiatry before ultimately choosing a major in Marketing.

6. I have emetophobia, or an irrational fear of vomit. Seriously, if I see someone get sick in front of me, I'll have a panic attack. I've been that way since I was a child. But I'm not alone - it's the fifth most common phobia in the U.S. Crazy, huh?

7. My style icon is Gwen Stefani. Even with pink hair and braces, the chick looks amazing. Love her. I wish I could be half as versatile as she is.

8. My seasonal weakness is a pumpkin spice latte. Gotta have my coffee!

9. My favorite color is pink. Is it obvious I am a girly girl?

10. I am addicted to HBO and Showtime. Sex and the City, Six Feet Under, Big Love, Curb Your Enthusiasm, True Blood, Dexter, Weeds, United States of Tara, Californication...I could go on and on.

Okay, I now pass this award onto:

1. Amanda at Garibay Soup
2. Alicia at It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy
3. Leanne at Rave and Review
4. Genevieve at Simply Me
5. Allie at Misadventures in Baby Raising
6. Terra at Heck of a Bunch
7. Melissa at Outnumbered 3 to 1

Thanks so much for recognizing little 'ole me and I hope I continue to make you proud!

Don't forget to follow the delicious peeps I mentioned above - if you don't already - and spread the love!


Miss Blondie said... 1

Aww, thank you!! I don't have this one yet! Woo hoo!

Marillyn Beard said... 2

Thank so much! Very sweet of you! Can't wait to get this up and past it on :o)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said... 3

Oh, how honored! Thank you!


Amanda said... 4

Thank you so much!!!

Mary512 said... 5

Cool I'm glad you posted!

Bloom said... 6

How darling of you! Thank you so much!

This Mama Rocks said... 7

Thanks so much for the blog award! You are so sweet!! That made my day :)

Anonymous said... 8

Just wanted to say thanks so much for the award! I'm really relating to your 10 honest truths -I work in marketing, have lived in many cities, LOVE twix and HBO too! :)

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said... 9

I'm so sorry I just realized I didn't thank you!
Seriously you blog name is SOOO dang cute!!!!

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